Thursday 29 October 2015


  1. The proposed school will declare interest by forwarding a written application to the Council.
  2. The Council on receipt of this written declaration of interest sends the minimum requirements for that specific programme to the proposed School and directs the School to notify the Council when 75% of the minimum requirements are met.
  3. The Council, on receiving the notification ask the State Nursing and Midwifery Committee to go for pre-accreditation visit and report their observations/comments and recommendations to the Council.
  4. The Council on receiving the report, if satisfactory goes for an advisory visit to the proposed School. If the deficiencies observed by the State Nursing and Midwifery Committee are many, the Council will then ask the proprietor of the proposed School to rectify the deficiencies and notify the Council accordingly who will then arrange for an advisory visit.
  5. The proprietor of the proposed School on Council's notification will then be asked to pay the accreditation fee of the sum of five hundred thousand Naira (N500, 000) only into the Council's e – payment account.
  6. The full accreditation visit is carried out by the Council at the request of the School indicating that the recommendations by the advisory team have been fully implemented.
  7. The School, if found qualified will be awarded an interim/provisional accreditation status for a period of two (2) years only.
  8. The School will then be asked to pay the sum of one million, five hundred thousand Naira (N1, 500,000.00) only for the establishment of the School.
  9. Subsequent accreditation visits are carried out every two (2) years for institutions on interim accreditation status and every five (5) years for institutions on final accreditation status.
  10. Accreditation status of existing accredited Schools may be interim/provisional, final, or withdrawn. Yearly publication of accreditation status of nursing training institutions is done in the national dailies.

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