You are on your way to work on mufti and suddenly there was a road traffic accident in front of you. What will you do as a nurse?
I know many nurses have witnessed this kind of situation before and you will be surprised at their response.More than 90% will stand with the crowd as an onlooker watching non medical personal take charge of the situation and rendering destructive intervention. There was this case at Nnewi, a city in anambra state, that my friend Jay jay witnessed as student nurse. The victim was a then NEPA staff and was electrocuted, the passerby rushed and surrounded the victim. Everybody was giving order, you know how it is at accident scene in Nigeria, at the end they concluded that the best treatment for electrocution was to give the victim liquid milk and someone rushed off to a nearby store and got a milk. Before my friend could summon courage to stop them, they have administered the milk. The victim started choking and before anyone could say tom the victim died. Tell me who killed that victim, Is it the non medical passerby acting out of ignorance but a willing to take up responsibility or my friend that was too afraid and doubtful? I need your sincere answers
Nurses are trained to be first responders in emergency situations especially in this country that our emergency system is dead-let me not use the word dead cos it never existed. We were all taught first aid in our first year in nursing school. We saw question like what is first aid? who is a first aider? But like most things we were taught in school, we were not given real life scenario. We were not told that we are automatically first aiders as nurses. We are starting proper first aid courses for nurses. We want nurses all over Nigeria to be competent first responders. Don't miss out!!! Visit our Blog daily
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